Hi there,

In our test-shop we are trying to migrate our ADSM database (on AIX
4.3.3 - IBM S70 server) to TSM 4.1 (on OS/390 v2.9). Both servers are using
3590-E drives. We are experiencing problems however. This is probably a
configuration error on OS/390. But before we continue, we would like to know
the following;
I've read somewhere that it isn't possible to migrate from 3.1 to 4.1
without updating to 3.7 first. Is this true?

Is it in anyway possible to move from 3.1 based on AIX to 4.1 based on
OS/390, and if so, can anyone tell us what path to take to get this to work.

Why are we doing this tests?
We are trying to find out if it is usefull for us to run TSM on mainframe
rather than on AIX.
If you are willing to share your experiences with us, we would grately
appreciate it.

Thanx in advance.

Ilja G. Coolen

  CIS / BS / TB / Storage Management
  Tel:        +31(0)45  579 7938
  Fax:       +31(0)84  882 7286
  E-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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