To know which tape(s) contains your DBBackup.
You can issue restore db preview=yes you are going to
get a listing of tapes but nothing will be restored.

You can also look at the volhist file, that is if you
did a backup volhist.

Its easier to issue restore dbbackup preview=yes to
know what tapes the data base backup is on.


--- Zlatko Krastev/ACIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Try to reformat the DB volume(s) (files, not DB
> backup tape).
> - Try what if you delete
> /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.dsk
> Zlatko Krastev
> IT Consultant
> Michel David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 14.01.2002
> 11:41:29
> Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
> cc:
> Subject:        Which tape is the DBBACKUP?
> Hi Tsm'rs
> Thank you for answering, my precedent requests.
> NT4.0 SP5
> TSM3.7.3
> The Library computer HD crashed. We don't know which
> tape is the DBBACKUP
> How can we test it ?
> When I try one with DSMSERV RESTORE DB, and it's not
> the good one, nothing don't work anymore and I had
> to
> reinstall TSM !
> Is there a trick ?
> Thank you very much.
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