Hi *SM-ers,

now our daily TSM operation (checkout DB backup, copy pool volumes ...) is
using a home grown GUI on VM/ESA.
But in a few months there will be no mainframe in this company any more.

So I'm looking to bring the daily TSM operation functions to our intranet.
The query part seems to be ease - install TSM ODBC on the intranet server
query the TSM DB using SQL.

But how do I implement the UPDATE part?
Is it possible to do it the way Tivoli does? Define a form in HTML and call
a function
on the server like
Is this described anywhere? Is this supported?
If not can I call DSMADMC running on the web server directly using HTML?
How do you bring TSM functions to your intranet?

I'm grateful for any replies.

Kind regards
Thomas Rupp
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG
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