Thanks for your response!
Our TSM server is a NSM (Network Storage Manager) - actually a H50 box.
This is intended to be a black box (all upgrades are done by IBM) but I get
the impression that I should get familiar with AIX and all those other
things I
need to write CGI programs (PERL or PHP ...).

As there is a webserver running on TSM I thought I could write my QUERY and
UPDATE requests just the same way tivoli does.

I think I will try ODBC for the query part and some scripts for the update

Thomas Rupp

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:  Alex Paschal [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am:  Freitag, 08. Februar 2002 20:20
> Betreff:      Re: TSM functions and Intranet
> You could easily write simple perl cgi's that take your form data as
> input,
> construct your dsmadmc command, execute it, take the output and format it
> for display on the browser.  Or, like Lawrence posted, if you can script
> your process so that it runs the same way every day, you can just create a
> shell script cgi that simply executes that script when you click on the
> link.
> Alex Paschal
> Storage Administrator
> Freightliner, LLC
> (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail

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