Nope - that info is hidden from the SQL administrator interface.


Hi All,

I would like to be able to retrieve the filesize etc. for the backupped
files for a client through the TSM server (dsmadmc).

I know this is possible through the client. But for automation sake it's in
my opion better to let the server generate such listings.

Is there anyone who knows if this can be done on the TSM server-side?

Thanx in advance,


Richard van Denzel
High Availability & Storage Solutions
Senior Technical Consultant

Infrastructure Consulting & Integration

Getronics Infrastructure Solutions
Wiltonstraat 42
Postbus 1005
3900 BA  Veenendaal
tel.: 0318 - 567 100
fax:  0318 - 567 633

mobiel: 06 - 212 78 569

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