Anybody out there know if it's possible to do a export server, without having to export all filedata, and then do a import and use the existing tapes.
We have one STK 9310 and one IBM 3494. Each TSM server has a copypool and a primary tape pool in the different libraries. All equipment is SAN connected, so if I could first do a DB backup/restore to the new machine of one of the TSM servers, and then export everything except for the file data from the second TSM server to the new machine, it would be perfect.
Doing a export server filedata=all, would create about 1500 new tapes, according to a export server preview=yes (about 31TB of data) and this would probbaly not work at all.

So, anybody done this before?
Best Regards
Daniel Sparrman

Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

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