OK, now in a unix environment, I'm thinking specifically of an AIX one, you
have the ability to create a .netrc file under an id such that it will
perform specific actions upon an ftp session being initiated to a specific
node. So I build scripts that do...
echo machine <some_remote_machine> > $HOME/.netrc
echo login <id_on_that_remote_machine> >> $HOME/.netrc
echo password <password_of_that_id_on_that_remote_machine> >> $HOME/.netrc
echo macdef init >> $HOME/.netrc
echo prompt off >> $HOME/.netrc
echo put /somepath/sched.log  /somepath/$(hostname)$(date +%m%d%y)sched.log
>> $HOME/.netrc
echo bye >> $HOME/.netrc
chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc
ftp <some_remote_machine>
rm $HOME/.netrc

so just have your postschedcommand run the above script...

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-----Original Message-----
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:10 PM
Subject: TSM Client Log File Help

Hello All,

I have a few questions about TSM log files.  I would like to have my TSM log
files sent to another server each night.  I know I can do this with a
pre/post schedule command.  But how can I rename the log files with the
server name and the date.  I'm sure I could write a batch file or something
with certain commands. Any help would be great.


Chad Gent

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