Hi *SM'ers,

I have one Question about the estimated capacity for deviceclass definition.

TSM V4 R1 on OS390 2.8  with 3494 tapelibrary and 3590 Magstar Cartridge.

As far as I know the normal capacity of one 3590 Magstar cratridge is 10 GB. With 
compaction the capacity is 30 GB.
The compaction for the dataclas wich manages my magstar tapes is activated.

At my device-class wich belong to this cartridges I have the estimated capacity set to 
9 GB.

So, if I think about these setting I belief that I don't use the full capacity of my 

Before I set the estimated capacity to 27 GB: Are there any expiriences about the real 
compaction of data on tape? To wich value I can set the estimated cpacity without 
runnign into trouble?


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