On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 11:33:14AM -0400, Prather, Wanda wrote:
>> Is there a SELECT statement that can show me the (total) size of all active
>> files?
> If any of your clients are doing compression, the values you get from
> OCCUPANCY are irrelevant.
> There is no place in TSM to query the original file size.

All of our clients use compression, but I don't care how much the files
are when they are on the client, I just care how much data I have to
lift of tape and send over the network. I guess OCCUPANCY is giving me
okay numbers, but from a short look at the table it looks like I have to
use some other tables, but which?

Best Regards
Emil S. Hansen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ESH14-DK
UNIX Administrator, Berlingske IT - www.bit.dk
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