The answer to your question is yes.
I forgot my machine has 4 processors in it.

Your CPU utilization profile does not match mine so, I do not know if I can

We have a P660-6H1 identically configured, except I use Shark Disk and
Magstar tape using FC and the Ethernet is Gigabit.  The only time I see high
CPU utlization is during backups coming down the ethernet.  At about
70MB/sec it pegs the system.  A copy of a diskpool to tape or tape to tape
takes about 3% of the system.  We currently have 12 FC drives on the systems
and have never seen it over 35% utlization during no backups coming in, but
CPU usage is linear on the arrival of IP packets.

Our disk pool is about 512GB we copy about 7TB a day, because we create an
onsite and offsite copy.  We backup about 850GB a day from around 150
clients (AIX, NT, W2K, SGI, Solaris Clients).  We have a lot of data that
will be moved to SAN tape soon that will relieve the Gigabit.  We are adding
2 more FC cards (will be 6 then for tape coping).

Do not know what to say.  I am getting about twice the amount through the
system with the same configuration except. GIGABIT and FC disk and tape.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon, INC

-----Original Message-----
From: Christoph Pilgram
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 6:48 AM
Subject: Performance

Hi all,

a question about increasing the performance of my TSM-Server:

TSM-Server : IBM H80 ( 2-way RS64III-450MHz-processor, 2GB memory ), AIX
4.3.3 , TSM 4.1.4

I see with the monitor-tool that my server has over a longer period a
cpu-utilization of more than 80%. This server only handles TSM, no other
task. But there is a lot of data-transfer from backup-pools to copy-pools
and from disk-pool to tape-pool (150 GB disk-pool, data-transfer to
copy-pool about 800 GB per day).

I have some money left for increasing the performance : Does TSM support and
use a second processor ?

Thanks for help


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