Hello -
Since I upgraded our 4.1 server to 4.2.2 my sql query against the summary table no 
longer works.
Has anyone run into this problem before?
Here's the query...

/* --- Query Summary Table ---- */
/* ---   Run as a macro   ----- */
select cast(entity as varchar(12)) as "Node Name", \
cast(activity as varchar(10)) as Type, \
cast(number as varchar(8)) "Filespace", \
cast(failed as varchar(3)) "Stg", \
cast(affected as decimal(7,0)) as files, \
cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4)) as "Phy_MB", \
cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4)) as "Log_MB" \
from summary where end_time>=timestamp(current_date -1 days, '09:00:00') \
and end_time<=timestamp(current_date, '08:59:59') \
and (activity='BACKUP' or activity='ARCHIVE') \
order by "Node Name"

Here's the output from a 4.1 server:

Node Name     TYPE        Filespace  Stg      FILES          Phy_MB          Log_MB
------------  ----------  ---------  ---  ---------  --------------  --------------
CENKRS        BACKUP      649        0           26          0.0222          0.0222
CENNTNFS      BACKUP      648        0           15          0.0072          0.0072
RSCH-AS1-P    BACKUP      615        0           90          7.3412          7.3412
RSCH-DB2-P    BACKUP      614        0           43          5.6337          5.6337
RSCH-DB3-P    BACKUP      608        1            0          0.0000          0.0000
RSCH-DB3-P    BACKUP      616        0          114       1477.5513       1477.5513
RSCH-FS1-P    BACKUP      611        1            0          0.0000          0.0000
RSCH-FS1-P    BACKUP      618        0           97         10.3834         10.3834
RSCH-WS5-P    BACKUP      667        0           29          2.5706          2.5706
RSCH-WS6-P    BACKUP      666        0           35          5.4812          5.4812
TPRSCHHOME01  BACKUP      624        2            0          0.0000          0.0000
TPRSCHHOME01  BACKUP      627        0         2467      16412.1675      16412.1675
TPRSCHHOME02  BACKUP      634        1            0          0.0000          0.0000
TPRSCHHOME02  BACKUP      637        0         3552      19135.1409      19135.1409

Here's the output from a 4.2 server:

Node Name     TYPE        Filespace  Stg      FILES          Phy_MB          Log_MB
------------  ----------  ---------  ---  ---------  --------------  --------------
REMEDY2W      BACKUP      3896       0           64          0.0000          0.0000

I only get one line back.. There should be one for each node (about 100 nodes on this 

Now, for any of you who are wondering..  'Filespace' and 'Stg' are columns put in just 
as place holders.
We were using the 'q occu' to generate charge back info.  I needed to generate an sql 
query would look
Just like the q occu (same columns) so the data could be fed into an existing program 
which handled charge
Back to the clients.


Denis L. L'Huillier

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