
I've got to take every month a monthly archive and once a year a yearly archive. Of 
course the protection of the latter archive is longer.

The default management class has the correct archive copy group for the monthly 
archive (management class MGMT_SWS). I've created a second management class 
(MGMT2_SWS) for the yearly archive.

The default dsm.opt client options file binds the archive to the correct management 
class for the monthly archive. I've created a second client options file dsm2.opt with 
an include.archive statement towards the management class MGMT2_SWS

If I launch the archive from the command prompt as:

dsmc archive -optfile=c:\temp\dsm2.opt -subdir=yes c:\*.* d:\*.*

the archive of the files is indeed done with the management class MGMT2_SWS

If I specify a schedule:

Policy Domain Name POL_SWS
Schedule Name TEST4
Description -
Options -optfile=c:\temp\dsm2.opt -subdir=yes
Objects c:\hp\* d:\windows\winzip81\*

the archives are bind towards the management class MGMT_SWS and not towards the 
management class MGMT2_SWS. The scheduler is bound to the dsm.opt file but if I 
specify another client options file in the options, this should override the default 

Am I missing something?


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