See my reply below.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 08:50:24PM +0000, Dan Foster wrote:
> Client sends data to TSM server
> As long as client data is < 10MB, streams to disk pool
> Soon as client sends a 11 MB or 500 MB file, then...
> TSM fetches a tape, mounts it (55 sec wait)
> TSM starts writing file to tape
> Once done, TSM dismounts the tape (!)
> Client continues sending data
> If it hits another >10MB file, the whole mount-write-dismount process
> repeats. This results in a significant performance hit from all the
> mounts/dismounts. To alleviate this, I've set the node's KEEPMP option
> to YES, so it ends up mounting the tape once on first access, then keeps
> it mounted throughout the entire client run so that we get no more
> subsequent 55 sec mount delays. When does it dismount the tape? After
> the tape retention in drive period expires, but usually the next client
> session grabs the same tape if it's got free space.

How about setting the mount retention for the devclass to something like
10 to 30 mins? That will keep the tape mounted for at least 10 mins
after the last access, so that if the tape is needed by the client it
will likely still be mounted.

Best Regards
Emil S. Hansen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ESH14-DK
UNIX Administrator, Berlingske IT -
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