Hi guys and girls,

has anyone of you come across this beast:

running a 64bit environment we installed the AIX 5.1 version of the TSM
client (v. 5.1.1) which contains only the 64bit API. To back up DB2 one
uses the db2adutl utility which insists on accessing libApiDS.a that
provides the 32bit interface. I worked around this by installing the 32bit
API coming with the AIX 4.3 version of the client. Unlike the 64bit version
which is inside the BA client fileset, it is installable as a seperate
fileset. 64bit environments should be downwards compatible so the db2adutl
now runs fine . . . as long as you only run a 32bit DB2 database, right??
What if I would start using a 64bit database. I read there is a way to
convert 32bit instances to 64bit ones. Will this also change the behaviour
of db2adutl accessing the 64bit API, or is there actually another 64bit
db2adutl available??

Any experiences / knowledge would be very appreciated.

Thanks Lars

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