
the files will be expired on the server later,
according to the management class used during last backup.

If this is an issue to delete the files from server sooner,
you can
 1) create a management class, let us name it TRASH_MC,
with short retention periods
 2) assign this management class to files concerned
        include.dir  c:\mydir TRASH_MC
        include.file c:\myfile.doc TRASH_MC
 3) perform incremental backup, 
    this will rebind your files on the server
 4) do your planned stuff: change incl/excl, perform backup
 5) start expire on the server.

use "dsmc expire" command.
Only the later will work for inactive files as well.

Juraj, Gmunden, Austria

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sascha Braeuning
> [mailto:Sascha.Braeuning@;SPARKASSEN-INFORMATIK.DE]
> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:01 AM
> Subject: Include/Exclude
> Hi TSMers,
> I've got backed up some directories and files, which I should 
> not. Now I
> changed my include/exclude list. What happened with files, 
> which are backed
> up but now actually excluded? When these files remain on the 
> server: Is
> there a possibility to delete these files?
> MfG/regards
> Sascha Bräuning
> Sparkassen Informatik, Fellbach
> OrgEinheit: 6322
> Wilhelm-Pfitzer Str. 1
> 70736 Fellbach
> Telefon:   (0711) 5722-2144
> Telefax:   (0711) 5722-1634
> Mailadr.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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