have you tried Journal Based Backup? it looks as if you can still take
advantage from this feature, since you need to backup ca. 5% of your files.

Cordiali saluti
Gianluca Mariani
Tivoli TSM Global Response Team, Roma
Via Sciangai 53, Roma
 phones : +39(0)659664598
                   +393351270554 (mobile)

"The people of Krikkit,are, well, you know, they're just a bunch of real
sweet guys, you know, who just happen to want to kill everybody. Hell, I
feel the same way some mornings..."

             Brenda Collins
             @US.ING.COM>                                               To
             Sent by: "ADSM:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           bcc
                                    Tuning to backup Millions of files

             Please respond
             to "ADSM: Dist
              Stor Manager"


I have an NT server that has an Optika application (Imaging) running on it.
It has to search 2 million+ files nightly and ends up backing up about
100,000+ each night.  The problem is that it takes about 8 hrs. to do this
backup which is not acceptable.  Does anyone have any tuning parameters
that may help this issue?  The files can not be split up among directories
anymore than they are.  They want their cache files backed up so they copy
them over to another directory and we back them up from there.  We are
upgrading their hardware to see if that helps but if there is any tuning I
can do on the TSM side, that would help also.

Brenda Collins,
Sr. Storage Administrator

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