I heard about TSM server being license by the physical machine.
I thought that Tivoli/IBM was going to do this with 5.1 . Since
this did not happen, I wonder if it is in the works for the
next version.

I discovered VMware about a year ago. I wish I found out about
VMware sooner. I manage to convince my company to get VMware.
We save money by not getting another system for testing purpose.
I have multiple virtual test/training machines.

Sias Dealy

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---- On    , Cook, Dwight E ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> OK, one would need to verify with Tivoli/IBM but I seem to
recall hearing
> TSM servers being licensed by physical machine.
> IF that is the case then multiple virtual machines under
VMware opens up a
> whole new world of possibilities as far as cost savings go!
> AND where you could run multiple windows based servers on
virtual machines,
> you could cut costs even more with multiple virtual Linux
> just some thoughts
> Dwight

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