Hello everybody,

    We are in the process of switching from a SCSI-attached 3583 library
with 4 drives to a FC-attached 3584 with 8 drives. My question is: If I
check out all volumes from the 3583, replace it with the 3584, adjust device
names and so on, can I check the tapes back into the new library and use
them right away, or will I have to connect both libraries, define new device
classes/storage pools and copy all the contents of the 3583's tapes to the
3584's tapes?

Thank you all for your help

Paul Gondim van Dongen
Engenheiro de Sistemas
Tivoli Certified Consultant - Storage Manager
VANguard - Value Added Network guardians
http://www.vanguard-it.com.br <http://www.vanguard-it.com.br>
Fone: 55 81 3225-0353

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