ive been going round and round with tsm support on this issue... we have an
AIX 4.3.3 client that has been upgraded several times all the way to 5.1.5
client version without success backing up to an AIX 4.3.3 tsm 4.2.2 server
over a 10/100 ethernet network (100 Full Duplex, no autonegotiate.)

there arent any network errors and the switches are all configured
correctly, and the tsm server is fine. they are beginning to insist our
problem is system/network level...


ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure.

appears almost constantly during backups. usually it will EVENTUALLY finish
with a few errors but take forever to run. all our parameters appear to be
okay by tsm support standards. with the combonation of the server message
saying session was terminated they say the client is severing the
connection... that tsm is getting the message from a lower layer.

we dont have any network errors appearing anywhere else on the system for
any other applications, there are no errors in errpt or /var/adm/messages
and diags come back fine.

what else can i do to diagnose this problem?

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