what i do is run the -prev=yes -wait=yes options, capture the total amount
of bytes to be backed up, then when the backup is actually running i run a
small script to query the backup sessions, capture the total bytes backed
up, add them together, then get a percentage and amount remaining.

these results will get skewed slightly if you continue running normal
backups while the backup stgp is running or if you dont account for the fact
that once its the near the end of the backup stg some of the sessions drop
out of the list.

-----Original Message-----
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: Measuring progress of copy stgpool operation

Hi all,

Everything is in the title : is there a way (sql query ?) to find out,
during a copy stgpool process, how many objects, or even better how many MB
remains to be copied for finishing the process. Basically, the goal would be
having an idea of remaining duration till the job ceases
Thanks in advance !


| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01       |

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