
Could it be:
should be:

or... it could be that the new TSM API removed some
of the old communications options.. which means
you may have to remove the old options out
of the DSM.OPT file.

Here is the syntax:

TDPSQLC Backup *|dbname[,dbname,...]  [Full]
 [/BUFFers=numbuffers]              default: 3    (or cfg value)
 [/BUFFERSIze=buffersizeinkb]       default: 1024 (or cfg value)
 [/CONFIGfile=configfilename]       default: tdpsql.cfg
 [/LOGFile=logfilename]             default: tdpsql.log (or cfg value)
 [/LOGPrune=numdays|No]             default: 60   (or cfg value)
 [/MOUNTWait=Yes|No]                default: Yes  (or cfg value)
 [/SQLAUTHentication=INTegrated|SQLuserid] default: INTegrated (or cfg
 [/SQLBUFFers=numsqlbuffers]        default: 0    (or cfg value)
 [/SQLBUFFERSIze=sqlbuffersizeinkb] default: 1024 (or cfg value)
 [/SQLPassword=sqlpasswordname]     default: " "
 [/SQLSERVer=sqlservername]         default: local computer name (or cfg
 [/SQLUSer=sqlusername]             default: sa
 [/STRIPes=numstripes]              default: 1    (or cfg value)
 [/TSMNODe=tsmnodename]             default: dsm.opt value
 [/TSMOPTFile=dsmoptfilename]       default: dsm.opt
 [/TSMPassword=tsmpassword]         default: dsm.opt value




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Never cut what can be untied.
- Commit yourself to constant improvement.


> I've upgraded to TDP for SQL 5.1 and backups have now quit working. There
> are some invalid options messages when running the SQL.cmd file. The link
> below does not have a version 5 manual listed. Can anyone point me to one
> I can figure out what line here is causing the proplem.
> tdpsql backup * full /sqluser=adsm_user /sqlpwd=adsm
> /logfile=c:\Logs\sqlfull.log  /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt

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