Environment: TSM Server running over AIX 4.3.3 ML10
3494 library with (4) 3590-E1A drives

The TSM server was upgraded a couple weeks ago as follows: (where
it ran rather happily for 20+ months!) -> (from CD) ->
(from Web) -> (from Web). atldd, Atape and machine microcode were
brought up to current release levels at the same time.

Two problems I've observed:

1) While migrating my main disk pool to tape daily, I use four processes
(matching the number of drives). This runs several hours every afternoon.
If, during this time, a user attempts a restore that needs to come from
tape, I see the pre-emption message, one of the migration processes
cancels, but then it almost immediately starts a new migration process and
picks up where it left off, and the restore session never gets a shot at
the tape drive. I've had to manually intervene, either by manually
cancelling multiple of the migrations, or by lowering the MIGPRO parameter
to 3, cancelling a migration, then resetting MIGPRO to 4 once the restore
had acquired the tape drive.

2) If I do a query process, the message formatting seems to be fouled up
for migrations, space reclamations and the like. Example:

1,051 Migration         Disk Storage Pool BLAHBLAH, Moved Files: 1483,
                                                Moved Bytes:
52,946,034,688, Unreadable files:
                                                0, Unreadable Bytes: 0.
Current Physical File:
6,292,234,240~Current output volume:

I never seem to have much luck searching the APAR database, even when I can
get to it. It seemed as though there was something there about
corrupted output, but it only referred to help text.

Any words of wisdom on either problem?

Regards, Steven

Steven Chaba
Lead Analyst, Distributed Systems Technical Support
Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation
+01 585.771.2137 voice

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