Hi Guys!

In following this thread, I thought I'd check out customer experience
with a stock TSM server they have.

q db f=d  showed the DB hit rate at 85%

q opt     showed the bufpoolsize at 2350

This was with auto tuning.

After disabling auto-bufpool tuning, I increased the
bufpoolsize to 131072 (on a 2G system also running one
other application) and notices the hit rate climb to
99.2% over the next two days.

VMstat shows 'avm' of around 260000 pages, or just over
a GIG.  I therefore _assume_ the remainder constitutes buffer-cache.

vmstat showed absolutely no paging for the period I monitored
(about 6 hours during a working day), so would it be safe to
further increase the bufpoolsize?

Also, the customer noticed a TSM db backup which took 35 minutes
two days ago, now completes in 12 minutes.
Could that indicate a problem?


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