in our practice application,i have a question for tivoli storage
manamger.the version of tsm software that we used is,in order to
protect tsm server database,we use the tsm administrator command "backup db 
<BR>type=full devc=ltodevclass" to perform database full backup,the backup
database located into one scratch volume in ibm 3584 tape library,use the
command "q libv" to check the upon scratch volumes status that is dbbackup
status.i want to let the dbbackup volume turn into scratch or private
volume, in other words,as normally data backup.verify the volume history file during 
performing "q volh" command,the following information is contained:
database backup time:09/29/2002
i use "del volh type=dbb toda=today-500" and attemp to delete the dbbackup volume in 
volume history file,the result shows that zero sequential volume history entries were 
successfully deleted,then i use "q volh" command to verify the volume history file,the 
entry that described database backup is always exist,so i dont't delete the dbbackup 
volume. can you help me how to delete the dbbackup volume?
please write back me ASAP.

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