If the file was backed up and if the file have not changed.
The file will remain an active copy. The active copy does not

If you did a full backup 600+ days ago and the file have not
changed. When you restore the file, it will be the original
file when it was backed up 600+ days ago.

It is when the file goes from an active version to an inactive
version is when the timer starts for the 180 day retention.

Hope this make sense.

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---- On    , Hart, Charles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> We currently retain 180 Days of Version Exists, Deleted, Only
and Extra Versions.  Our question is if
> we have been backing up node A for 600days should we not
still have a complete set of the first
> "Full" that is available to restore even though the file has
not changed from the first backup? (IE
> one copy that is 600Days old?)
> Thanks!!

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