Legato Networker, which I am having to implement as a emergency solution for
backups on an appliance.



On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 01:14:27PM -0500, Justin Case wrote:
> When you say Legato, does this mean that you using OTG Diskxtender?
> Justin Case
> Duke University
> Bob Booth - UIUC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 03/05/2003 12:26:46 PM
> Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent by:    "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:
> Subject:    Legato and TSM with a 3494
> Is anybody out there sharing a 3494 with Legato and TSM?  I am the *very*
> unhappy TSM administrator which has to try and set this up.  Hopefully I am
> not the first...
> I am trying to wrap my mind around scratch categories, and volume
> management
> between the two applications, and I don't want to have to change my TSM
> setup
> at all, since the Legato implementation is brand new, and *better* be
> temporary.
> ;-) (sorry, I seem to have something in my eyes that are making them
> twitch).
> Any tips and techniques out there?
> Thanks in advance!
> Bob Booth

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