
I had a problem with my TSM db, it couldn't make a reclamation with an
error on the db (some raws could not be deleted as I remember)
So I am trying to do an auditdb but the problem is that I get the
followings messages :

ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324433 database entries (cumulative).
ANR9999D imaudit.c(5630): ThreadId<11> Inventory object 0.3081816 deleted.
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324434 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324434 database entries (cumulative).
ANR4306I AUDITDB: Processed 324434 database entries (cumulative).

Ant it last for hours. It went quickly to something like 324420 database entries and 
it took hours to go to 324434.

Is it normal ? should I wait it to finish or not ? I think I have about 390000 entries 
in my database, but if it goes this fast, it will last
centuries before the auditdb is finished and I fear the year 10000 bug !


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