> > It appears that TSM 4.2 has reached end of support on 4/15/03.
> >
> > Is this for Clients AND Server?
>       Yes.
> > Are most people planning on upgrading to 5.1?
>       We cannot, as we still have Novell 4.11 clients (that are already
> not supported) and apparently will not work with 5.1 [Coats, Jack]   But
> as soon as our conversion project is complete (6 months?) we will be
> addressing it.  We have moved all of the clients to as advanced a version
> that will support the client and support the server.  And the server is as
> advanced so that only the Novell 4.11 clients are holding it back (TSM
> client  Our WinNT and Win2K clients are  And the Novell
> 4.11 clients are half of our client base.
                Oh yes, or server is

> > What are the implications of staying at 4.2 or lower?
>       When you call and they figure out your environment you get a 'have a
> nice day' type of answer.
>       I  understand why they must do it, but it is still traumatic for the
> user base.
> >
> > Is there any additional cost to upgrade?
                I suggest ordering a media kit.  Your current licenses
should be good to go.

> >
> > Are there any major issues with 5.1???
>       No show stoppers I know about, but we do not use all the various
> clients.

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