Yes, I was in much of the weekend to make the archives work.

I had scheduled them for sat. night.

When I came in on sun. noon to check on them, then didn't work!!! So, I
figured out the prob., then scheduled them for sun. afternoon-night.

When I came in Monday morning, it worked.

Now I need to apply this knowledge to our main TSM server, which is ~10x
as big as this one is.

I am confident in the steps from the mistakes I made with the first,
smaller TSM server.

I also will now institute specific archive files/directories and watch out
for the vertical growth syndrome.

Tks again.

Ken Sedlacek
AIX/TSM/UNIX Administrator

IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 AIX v4.3 Support
IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 SP & PSSP 3
Tivoli Certified Consultant - Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1

Tab Trepagnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08/18/2003 06:36 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: Archive schedule error: No file specification entered <solution
found?? <<


Now that you have archives working I would suggest you keep a very close
eye on your TSM system.

When I first implemented archives back in the days of ADSM 3.1, we wanted
to keep snapshots of our servers in order to recover beyond the max
count of the backups.  My initial approach was to archive */* - that is
everything on every machine.

Well, database and tape occupancy growth curves went vertical.  If I had
continued down that road after about a year I'd have needed a TSM system
that only NASA could afford.

Now we do limited archiving of locations where a long history is essential
- mainly new product design data in our case.  Everything else gets

If a snapshot is all you're looking for, consider using backupsets.  If
can get that feature working right, it should meet your needs without the
vertical growth curves.

I'm trying to do that but I'm running into Windows security and
architecture issues.  In our case, we put file server data on one big D:
drive - which is the filespace that TSM wants to use as its backupset
source.  For our main file servers that is 200-500 GB and contains a LOT
data I don't want snapshot (snapshotted?).  I've tried backing up via
hidden shares like DOCS$, but our gunked up security is causing that to
fail.  Many of the files on our main files servers are on their fourth
physical machine, having gone from Netware 3, to Windows NT pretending to
be Netware, to an NT Cluster Server, to a big Windows 2000 Server.  In the
course of all those data moves the security permissions and inheritances
have been badly muddied.  But that's MY problem.

Hope things work out.

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram, LLC

|         |           Ken Sedlacek     |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           US.COM>          |
|         |           Sent by: "ADSM:  |
|         |           Dist Stor        |
|         |           Manager"         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           .EDU>            |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           08/15/2003 04:21 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           "ADSM: Dist Stor |
|         |           Manager"         |
|         |                            |

  |                                        |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
  |       cc:                                        |
  |       Subject:  Archive schedule error: No file specification entered
<solution         found?? <<            |


In poking around some more, I found that the TSM Backup-Archive Clients
Install/Users Guide has the "include.archive XXXXXXXXXXXX" statement in
the normal include/exclude file.

I will try this and see if it works.

I can do manual client archives via the GUI so I know archives work.

Thanks for your trouble.

Ken Sedlacek
AIX/TSM/UNIX Administrator

IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 AIX v4.3 Support
IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 SP & PSSP 3
Tivoli Certified Consultant - Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1



W2K client

Client has been backing up normally with schedmode=polling.

I have never used archives before, so I need some help here.

I setup the archive copygroup to keep archives for 2555 days (7 years).

I created an archive schedule and thought that would be it as far as
archiving configuration goes, but I received the following error in the
client dsmsched.log:

08/15/2003 15:02:19 ANS1079E No file specification entered
08/15/2003 15:07:19 ANS1079E No file specification entered
08/15/2003 15:12:19 ANS1079E No file specification entered
08/15/2003 15:17:20 ANS1079E No file specification entered
08/15/2003 15:22:20 ANS1079E No file specification entered

The Message manual indicates that "You did not enter a file specification
as prompted".

Where does one enter the "file specification" for archive if the archive
is being done in a polling schedmode?

Doesn't archive just read the client dsm.opt file for the
includes/excludes and use this for the archive??

I am not using CLOPTSETs.


Ken Sedlacek
AIX/TSM/UNIX Administrator

IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 AIX v4.3 Support
IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 SP & PSSP 3
Tivoli Certified Consultant - Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1

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