Hi TSM'rs

Being a Linux bigot, I managed to convince a new client to opt for a Linux TSM server 
over Windows. I am now starting to wish I had just gone for Windows. Unless you can 
help I might have to. Here's the problem.

Server Version on Redhat 9
Client Version on Redhat 7.3

The TSM server has no tape library or drive but is totally file based (400GB using 
software raid0)

Client backups are done via the crontab using "/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc incr"

The server just hangs during a client backup operation.....nothing in the activity 
report. Eventually the client times out but unfortunately the "dsmc incr" stays in the 
process queue. The next day, cron dutifully fires off another backup and so it goes. 
Eventually after a call from a frustrated customer, I have to start the server 
manually and run the backup manually. (Seriously not good!!)

Also, if a backup is running and you happen to do one too many "q act" requests, the 
server hangs.

By the way, only the TSM application hangs, not Linux itself.

Has anyone experience with Linux TSM server and seen similar problems?


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