Good point for reducing size, other than normal growth why would it not last long, is 
ther other reasons?

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Database fragmentation formula (was Re: Online DB Reorg)

Please don't throw the concept out.  Like all tools it has it's place.

For example, we are thinking about reorg'ing one of our TSM databases.

1)  I ran a test reorg of one of our TSM databases on a test system.  The
db was 80gb
in size with 72gb used.  It shrunk to 40gb used.

As discussed -  it won't stay there very long,  BUT . . .

2)  We are changing our policies to cut down the versions we retain.

After   things settle down, I would like to run another test reorg.  It MAY
worth our while to do a reorg, or maybe not . . . we'll see . . .


                      "Hart, Charles"
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      TRONIC.COM>              cc:       (bcc: Richard L. 
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Re: Database fragmentation 
formula (was Re: Online DB
                      Dist Stor                 Reorg)
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      10/21/2003 09:12
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

Thank you for the response, If what you say is true, then I will forgo the
Reorg concept, as it appears to be a waste of time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Database fragmentation formula (was Re: Online DB Reorg)

>Isn't this getting a little off the mark though?  Last I checked, almost
>every database on the planet (yes even pervasive sql) when allocating
>pages/extents, left an amount of space unutilized at the end.  In fact, if
>you do a "reorg" in SQL server, it specifically asks how much space you
>to remain free in each page.  Now why would you want that?  So that when
>add a row to a table with a clustered index (ie. A primary key, where the
>table is physically ordered the same as the index) the database does not
>have to add an extent at the end of the space to house the new row.  This
>cuts down on logical fragmentation which is a far larger killer of
>than the fragmentation that these formulas show.  By these formuls, every
>signle one of my SQL database is 25% fragmented (why, because every Sunday
>they do online reorgs to fix their logical fragmentation).  Logical
>fragmentation turns large sequential reads into large random reads.

Indeed, Michael.  Distributed free space is a good thing in a random-access
structure where inserts are performed.  Some may believe that
of a database always packs its contents closely together, yielding
adjacency and seek times.  But the reload phase of a reorganization has to
proceed according to the architecture and algorithms under which the
operates.  In a B-tree type database, as the TSM db principally is, the
reload insertions may result in a lot of splits and half-occupied pages. As
customers have reported in ADSM-L postings, a reload may require twice as
much space as their original database size.  (This is summarized under

It takes exceptional circumstance to justify doing such an unload-reload,
and then the effects are typically short-lived.

  Richard Sims, BU

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