I noticed that Richard Sims says on his TSM facts page (a most excellent
site - http://people.bu.edu/rbs/ADSM.QuickFacts) that Bare Metal Restore
is grudgingly performed by TSM. If it's so difficult to do, could anyone
tell me what the best practice is for backing up/restoring a complete
Win 2000 Server? My idea is this:

1) Image backup (with Norton Ghost, for example) of the C drive. Could
be saved onto CDROM for example.

2) TSM backup of all other (i.e. data) drives.

A restore would then be quite straightforward:

1) Restore from the Ghost image.

2) TSM restore of the data drives.

I noticed that TSM now provides for backup of Windows system objects. Do
most people back these up? I personally don't (at the moment at least).
Does anyone have any views on whether or not it's a good idea to back up
system objects? I think that making a Ghost image kind of eliminates the

Also, has anyone any experience of using ASR on Win 2003? If so, is it
easier to use/better than BMR? Does ASR exist for other Windows

That was a lot of questions! Grateful for any feedback


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