Is your TSM server on a different network from the client?  Is the GigE card on a 
different network then the other interface on the machine?  I would assume so, if that 
is the case, just set a permenant route that points to the TSM server's network and 
tell it to go out the GigE interface to get there.  Man route to see the exact syntax. 
 Once the client connects over that interface, the TSM server should use that IP to 
call the box (if that's how you have scheduling setup).

Michael French

-----Original Message-----
From:   ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Wholey, Joseph (IDS DM&DS)
Sent:   Tue 3/23/2004 9:28 AM
Subject:        GIGE connectivity via TSM
This should be an easy one for most...  I have a Solaris client running TSM v5.2.  It 
will be getting a GIGE card.  What is the best/recommended way to ensure data is 
traversing the GIGE card (in both
directions... outbound/inbound) if it is not set up as the default NIC on the client.  


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