These unfortunately are in the same file space SG1. If there were in a
different filespace I would have already deleted them.

The HLL got change from \data\0000\Database 1\ to \data\0000\NODENAME SG1
Database 1\
The exchange admin also type in the NODENAME incorrectly once and I still
have an active backup for that boo boo.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Schaub [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: TDP for Exchange file expiration

If you are talking about old exchange "Storage Groups", then these map
to individual filespaces in tsm and you should be able to use the
"delete filespace <node> <filespace>" command to get rid of them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gee, Norman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 2:48 PM
Subject: TDP for Exchange file expiration

I have been running backups for Exchange for a while, but I notice that
I had a few tape that did not get recycle after expiration of the data.

I found that the Exchange admin changed the name of couple of the data
objects, therefore the system is keeping the last version of the
previous name of each object and not expiring them.  These are still
active. How can I get rid of this old object?  Add an exclude statement
for each old object?

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