On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 03:34:46PM -0500, Hart, Charles wrote:

> Lets say I have a tape stgpool that has 10 volumes and they all have
> data on them, none being empty.  To only let TSM allocate 2 more scratch
> tapes to that pool do I set maxscratch to 2 or 12...?

That depends on how those 10 volumes got defined into the stgpool in the
first place. If the volumes were explicitly defined into the stgpool, the
stgpool doesn't have any volumes in in that originally were scratch
tapes. If you then want TSM to allocate 2 scratch tapes to the stgpool,
MAXSCRATCH should be set to 2.

If the 10 volumes were originally scratch tapes, and you want two more,
MAXSCRATCH should be set to 12.

If it's something in between, MAXSCRATCH should be set accordingly.

(To find out whether a volume in a stgpool was originally a scratch
volume, you can do a Q VOL ... F=D on the volume and look at the "Scratch
Volume?"-line. If it says "yes" there, that volume is originally was a
scratch volume, and "uses up" a MAXSCRATCH slot.)

Jurjen Oskam
"I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called "responsibilities" or
"duties", I would have saved thousands of hours explaining to people why
they were only gonna get them over my dead body." - Lee K. Gleason, VMS sysadmin

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