I'll take a shot . . . .

Could this be a routing issue?

You may have a default route setup to point to the router on the private
network.  All hosts not on the locally attach networks ( that are arp'able
) will have reply packets sent to the default route.  If this is the case,
then you will need to setup a static route for hosts/networks that are off
the immediate public net.


                      Forray/AC/VCU            To:       ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        cc:
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  IP address selection 
by TSM server
                      Dist Stor
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      01/26/2005 10:48
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

I asked this before, but never got any response.  I need to asked it
again, since the issue has arisen, again, and I can see this escalating
into a bigger problem.

The TSM AIX server is multi-homed (external/public normal 10/100
connection and internal/private 10/100/1000 private subnet).

A client contacts the TSM server on the "public" (128.172.x) connection.
Then the TSM server tries to contact the client via the "private",
192.168.x subnet.

Is there any way to tell the TSM server to contact the client via the same
IP connection that was used to contact it, unless the client has
tcpclientaddress specified to use the private network ?

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