On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 09:07:49AM -0400, Mike Anderson wrote:
> I was trying to do a DR test to recovery one of our AIX 5.2 clients. I did
> a restore of the OS and file systems and was going to use TSM for the
> data. I want to restore
> everything so I typed in restore /*  -su=yes.  I only got back about half
> of the file systems.  When I do a q backup /*  I only see the data it
> restored. If  I try and restore a specific file system that is missing
> (home was the one I tried) it did restore that. Our TSM is server
> the client is 5.2.3  I did not see anything about problems with this
> client. Do I just have an error in my syntax, or is there a problem here?
> Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Mike,
look in TSM for the Filespaces of this machine.
For AIX their had to be 6 (or more) different Filespaces.

If you restore /* then only / will be restored (and not /usr, /home, etc.).

Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi:
        You must learn the ways of the Force
        if you are to come with me to Alderaan.

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