Hello all,
    Sorry to bother you not with one, but three questions...
    I am in the process of upgrading a customer's TSM Server from to 
5.3.x. I am taking some precautonary measures due to the size of the DB 
(240GB). Here is what I thought of:
1) Backup DB and apply 5.1.10 fixpack (Scheduled for today)
3) Upgrade HP-UX (Now 11.0) to 11i and atdd
4) Backup DB and install
5) Install 5.3.2
So question one is: Is this path correct or should I think of installing 5.2.x 
in between? And would you recommend 5.3.2 or a more conservative
For question 3, the following info:
    The database was behaving VERY badly. It had been allocated as 240 (!) 
volumes 1GB each on 3 separate filesystems (EMC disks). I already changed it to 
8 33GB volumes on 8 filesystems. Performance became a little better (backup DB 
went from almost 4 hours to 2h50m), but it still suffers bad on expirations. It 
takes 3+ hours to expire a million objects, and by analysing actlog I found 
that it takes almost a month to expire twice the same node/filespace. At these 
moments, sar -d shows one of the DB volumes at nearly 100% util, but with a 
rather low number of operations (long seeks? DB fragmentation too bad?).
    So question is: Should I leave the DB this way, or use the other disks 
given to me by the storage admin: 32 8GB slices on separate disks. Take this 
slices and make 8 33GB striped LVs (4 slices each), create the filesystems and 
put the DB volumes there?
Thanks a lot for your attention,
Paul van Dongen

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