People discuss performance, and striping will certainly give up much
better performance than Jbod.

However, the comfort of not losing the database or having to retreat to
the last backup that
will not reflect the current status of the drive contents led us to
simply create a raid5 set and
define the TSM db on that. So if we lose a volume the DB is maintained
and the writes are
spread across the raid5 automaticly.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/09/2005 11:39:41 AM >>>
I know that the recommendation is to use as many physical volumes as
possible.  In the near future, volumes are going to become available
me to use as many as 15 volumes per database instance.

Here is what I am wondering.  It seems that, if I create a 5GB volume
per disk, for a total of 75GB capacity, that TSM would tend to write
one volume for quite some time if it were JBOD.  If I made it striped,
if I understand striping correctly, it will put the first chunk on the
first disk, second chunk on the second disk, etc.  Then create one
DB vol, which will effectively be spread across multiple volumes
me having to make sure of the housekeeping.

Any ideas, or real world experience?

For the record, in case anyone asks, I will be at TSM5.3 by the time I
do this, using a Fastt700 for the database volumes.


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