I saw something very like this.  If I increase my bufpool size above
2GB, eventually TSM slows down to a crawl.  I called IBM, and they tried
to send me to the performance group, so I just told them nevermind, I'll
put it back down to 2GB.

Matthew Glanville wrote:

Some lucky individual (me), was able to get TSM servers with 32 GB of

All the documentaiton/redbooks from IBM/Tivoli on that I could find,
indicates that BUFPOOLSIZE should be tuned so DB cache hit rate is > 98
and of course, common sense indicates higher hit rates are bettter.

There also is a warning not to increase BUFPOOLSIZE to high, to avoid
using virtual memory/swap space.
And a rule of thumb from the classes to tun it to 128 MB per GB of memory.

But with 32 GB of memory, you can easily set BUFPOOLSIZE to 4, 10, 20,
even 30 GB without causing swapping activity on the TSM server....

Unfortunately it appears that the TSM server, when using the database
buffer doesn't have very good method to find things in that buffer.....
Thus searching through 30 GB of memory, or 10, or the class reccommended
128MB/per GB (4 in my case), could take longer than just getting that
database page from disk.

Anyone else seen this?


Matthew Glanville
Eastman Kodak

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