It forces a write of used log buffer pool pages to the database.  I don't
know if it even still does what it says it is doing in newer versions of
TSM.  I'm trying to remember, but I think it was used to free up recovery log
space.  With bigger disks being used for recovery logs, it probably isn't
needed, but you don't specify your TSM version or environment.  Somebody was
certainly worried about running out of log space though..

It has always been undocumented, however, it might show up in a readme


> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/2/2006 4:42:09 PM >>>
> > Hey -
> > Have started new contract with company and I'm
> > trying
> > to figure out what is going on. Several of the
> > servers have a scheduled "FLUSH" command that runs
> > daily. Can't find any documentation on FLUSH - what
> > is it supposed to be doing? The messages along with
> > the schedule say something about "buffer pool dirty
> > pages flushed". Any documentation on this anywhere?
> >
> > thanks,
> > T.
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