On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 01:57:44PM -0400, David E Ehresman wrote:

> I have a customer who is saying they backed up files on a linux box,
> changed ownership of the files, backed them up again.  Then he restored
> the original versions of the file but got the changed ownership
> assoicated with the later backup.

Your customer is right. This behaviour is by design (for the Unix clients)
and documented:

"If /only/ the following items change, they are updated without causing the
entire file to be backed up to the server:

    * File owner
    * File permissions
    * Last access time
    * Inode
    * Group ID"

Yes, this means you've potentially got big problems when a backup runs after
you've issued an erroneous chmod -R. You cannot restore the correct
permissions, because TSM simply doesn't have them anymore. (Perhaps on
inactive versions, but then you'd be restoring old data.)

Jurjen Oskam

Savage's Law of Expediency:
        You want it bad, you'll get it bad.

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