Hot Diggety! TSM User was rumored to have written:
> ./domdsmc: Error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or direcotry.

> I made sure that exists in the correct direcroty that I
> specified while running dominstall.

> I am having this same problem with SUSE 9.

May I suggest a much shorter subject line capped to 60 characters or
less? I've shortened it for you.

Shared libraries in Linux is not loaded from the current directory. It
is loaded from any directory listed in /etc/

You will need to research to find out how your Linux distribution
handles updating of library paths because it differs amongst each
distribution. I'm not familiar with SuSE 9 or RHEL 3, but it should be
Googleable, in distro vendor's docs, or someone here likely knows.

In Gentoo Linux, updating is done by adding a file in
/etc/env.d/ with a path to add, then doing 'env-update'. This procedure
is different with various Linux distributions.

In a hurry, you could always directly edit /etc/ to add the
directory that holds these shared libraries for Domino, then do
'ldconfig' as root. Then retry using the utility.


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