On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 04:31:30PM +0200, Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM wrote:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, you cannot backup to a
> copypool. Am I wrong here?

No, but that's not a problem.

Suppose you have a disaster. At the DR site, you have all your copypool
data, but all your primary pool volumes are marked DESTROYED. At that
point, you just insert some new empty tapes in your library, and assign
them to the primary pool. Bingo, you can backup your clients (if any).

Be sure to think this through, since you'll also want to restore your
clients ASAP (presumably) and bring your primary pools back using RESTORE
STGPOOL. A lot of activity going on there.

Jurjen Oskam

Savage's Law of Expediency:
        You want it bad, you'll get it bad.

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