Hi Keith,

virtual volumes used to be a big benefit while bridging big distances for
DR of backup data  via fc/scsi was extremely expensive.
Today, I use the feature in our multi-site infrastucture to do my
additional db-snapshots to one (central) tsm-server. No tape is involved in
this part of the game, just a bunch of scsi-disks in a fairly inexpensive
intel-based server. This saves me a second (DR)-TSM-server at each of  the
remote sites plus 400 GB-tapes for 2-GB-DBbackups plus MB-incrementals. We
just had to do a rebuild after a controller crash killing the Raid system
on one remote server: restore works like a charm, even if not as fast as a
local restore. For a HA-sites, the benefit is certainly saving a lot of
tape space/slots plus doing an (automated...?) rebuild of the TSM-Server at
the local DR site without involving tape handling.
We no longer use vv to move around actual data as this can be done much
more elegantly by features like DWDMs and tape accelleration features
today. It just depends on how much you are allowed to spend...


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