
Taking a look to the summary table I find the following... At this time I was using a proxynode config to backup a big gpfs:


MN_GPFS_PRO1 2008-01-03 BACKUP 23:03:44 02:35:42 03:31:58 527.20 0 YES

MN_PRO_PROXY 2008-01-03 BACKUP 23:03:44 23:12:16 00:08:32 527.20 1 YES

I was running the following query:
select entity as node_name, date(start_time) as date, cast(activity as varchar(10)) as activity, time(start_time) as start,time(end_time) as end, cast(substr(cast(end_time-start_time as char(20)),3,8) as char(8)) as Length, cast(bytes/1024/1024/1024 as decimal(6,2)) as Gigabytes,cast(affected as decimal(7,0)) as files, successful from summary where start_time>=current_timestamp - 1 day and activity='BACKUP' order by successful, node_name

It is the same file that was backed up, the same number of gigabytes,... I could understand that MN_GPFS_PRO1 did not backup the file because it was the agent that was doing that job but I did not understand the difference about the end times... what is the correct value ¿? Do we have an explanation about it ¿? Or did someone find the same situation ¿?

Thanks in advance !!


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