Unfortunately, even with the configuration recommended in number 3, we have
problems with locale on Debian Sarge. Upgrading to Etch, it worked fine.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Peter Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> > If you Google "tsm ubuntu" you will see that many folks have gotten it
> to
> > work using varying methods, such as "alien".   Here is an example....
> >
> > http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/unclug/2007-August/000404.html
> We re-package the TSM client for our environment, including packaging
> it for our debian/ubuntu users. If you want to get the client working
> on ubuntu there are a few things to note:
> 1. The dsmj script requires ksh (sudo apt-get install ksh)
> 2. dsmj needs Sun java not gij (check wih "java -version"):
>    1. check you have the multiverse enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list
>    2. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
>    3. double check java runs the Sun jre not gij:
>        update-alternatives --display java
>        java -version
> 3. Ubuntu does not seem to have 8-bit ISO8859-1 locales installed by
>   default. If you only have UTF8 filenames on the disk then a UTF8
>   locale ("locale" command shows ??_??.UTF-8) will suffice when backing
>   up. However, if you have any filenames in non-UTF8 encodings then you
>   probably want to use "en_US" so you do not get any "ANS4042E Object
>   name contains unrecognized characters" errors. If the "en_US" locale
>   is not listed with "locale -a" you need to install it with:
>   sudo locale-gen en_US
>   then you can run backups with:
>   LANG=en_US LC_ALL=en_US dsmc incr
>   With this, characters in all encodings will get backed up: ISO8859,
>   UTF-8 etc. If you try "en_US" and it isn't installed, it looks like
>   it defaults back to 7-bit C/POSIX and all characters >127 get
>   skipped.
> Aside from these little gotchas, and the fact that this is officially
> unsupported, the client functions fine on all recent Debain and Ubuntu
> machines.
> Hope this helps,
> Pete
> --
> Peter Jones
> Senior Specialist (HFS)
> Oxford University Computing Services

Leandro Mazur

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