I do a lot of TSM  implementations for new customers.

While I usually use the command line myself, I have to say that for NEW
users, the ISC (in the 5.5 or 6.1 version, not the first 2 releases) is
actually much better than the old web GUI when it comes to creating
libraries, drives, and paths, and much MUCH better in the way it displays
and supports management classes (which was irrationaly displayed by the old
web GUI, IMHO).

It is regrettable that Tivoli tried to force the ISC on people at 5.3,
before it was fully cooked, thereby resulting (fairly and PREDICTABLY) in
many customers being angry about it and dead set against using it.  I was
hoping that Tivoli would take that as an object lesson about releasing
software too soon.

My customers who have never used any interface other than the ISC, aren't
really bothered by it.  They seem, over time, to naturally migrate to the
command line for stuff that needs only a couple of keystrokes (like q proc),
and use the ISC for more complicated tasks like creating domains/management
classes, schedules, etc.

For those who haven't tried it, I recommend upgrading to the current 6.1 ISC
to manage your 5.5 servers.  The 6.1 ISC has finally fixed the "jumpiness"
problem, one of my biggest complaints, and also the requirement to know the
domain a client lives in before displaying it.

If you are still having problems with performance/slowness in the ISC, you
shouldn't be.  I have customers running it on hand-me-down Windows servers
of modest capabilities, and getting very spiffy response.  Have no customers
with problems running the ISC on the same Windows 2003 or AIX servers as the
TSM server itself.

If you still have performance issues try using a different browser version
on a different machine to access it and see if you get different results.  I
have seen performance problems with the ISC that turned out to actually be
the server or java version on the machine running the browser, not the
machine running the ISC.  You can get very different results, depending on
the machine where you are running the browser.

Wanda (who still thinks java is evil)

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 2:54 AM, Remco Post <r.p...@plcs.nl> wrote:

> Arnaud,
>> This is exactly the point ! Are you satisfied with the ISC /AC
>> combination so far ? If yes, I'm very happy for you, but
>> from my readings of this list, lots of users are not, and so am I.
>> I really would like to hear why IBM decided to drop a CPU and
>> storage inexpensive / ergonomic /fast /readable interface for the
>> new one.
>> I may be paranoid, but I believe they had a very good reason for
>> such a change : selling more hardware !
> The most recent version of the ISC really is a lot less heavy than
> previous versions. In that respect I truly believe that IBM listen to
> our complaints. It's even fast. I really urge you to experience it. I
> installed it on a VM on my laptop (isn't vmware fusion great? :)) in 5
> minutes.
> As for the ergonomics, yes the workings of the new thing are different
> from the old thing. Have they become worse? Well, I don't think so. I
> like the CLI best of all, always have and alway will, but if I had to
> chose a GUI, well, the ISC is just as good as the old thing... it just
> provides an interface to everything added to TSM in the last 4
> releases ;-)
> --
> Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,
> Remco Post

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