I think I know the answer to this question but figured it would be a good
question to ask,

This morning I was getting reports that backups were failing due to
backups not being able to get space in the disk stgpool.

When I did a "Q STG", this is what I get:

9:25:34 AM   MOON : q stg
Storage      Device       Estimated    Pct    Pct  High  Low  Next Stora-
Pool Name    Class Name    Capacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
                                                    Pct  Pct
-----------  ----------  ----------  -----  -----  ----  ---  -----------
ARCHIVEPOOL  DISK             205 G    0.3    0.3    90   70  TS1130
BACKUPPOOL   DISK           6,369 G  100.0   33.9    90   70  TS1130

Why would a disk storage pool be "100% Utilized" and only 34% migratable
when I don't have Caching turned on?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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