Hi, Rick.  As an aside, if you rename those nodes, have you thought
about how you'll find those archives later?  Most people start with, "I
need data.  It lived on xyz server."

On to your question.  Do you need them to have the same node name? What
about naming them ArchiveNode1 and ArchiveNode2, then granting proxynode
to 1 to allow retrieves from 2?  Would that accomplish the goal?

On 7/17/2012 5:32 AM, Rick Harderwijk wrote:

Thanks. There is something to win there, maybe. We could abandon the
current OS nodename and create a seperate for archives. I could then rename
the node in TSM to 'Archivenode' and the filespaces belonging to that node
as well. How about this: I have 'Node1' with archives and 'Node2' with
archives. I could rename 'Node1' as 'Archivenode', but not 'Node2' as well.
Is there still a way to move the archives on 'Node2' to 'Archivenode'
without export/import?



On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Chavdar Cholev <chavdar.cho...@gmail.com>wrote:

You can use rename node & rename files space commands to do the job

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Rick Harderwijk
<rick.harderw...@gmail.com> wrote:

In cleaning up old domains and nodes, we have 'found' some nodes that
archives bound to it. We do wish to part with the old nodes, but not with
the archives. Is there any low impact method to rebind the archive data
a new node? I've been reading up on export node / import node, but it
appears that would take quite some time and resources to accomplish this.
Is there any way to make this easier on the admins and the system?

Many thanks for your input,


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